Talking about name, all of us have name (J, this is not an essay writing competition, so BEHAVE) ai ai CAPTAIN! Remember I told ma BESTOS FRIENDOS in the previous POSTOS? If you don't REMEMBER, go and read all over again NOW!!! yes I mean NOW!!! (after a few minites) DONE READING? GOOD, now continue reading this entry... (don't be afraid, I'm not gonna eat you, but I will just bite and chew you little by little :) )
OK, remember I had lunch with Ms.B last week Friday? YES your right, BANANA LEAF lunch set with tyru...there's a mistake on the entry.... it's not TYRU its MORU... they change the name without letting me know...DAMN! This correction was made by Ms.B . Arigatou gozaimasu Ms.B. So its true you have the wrong SEEDS in you. HAHA...
Ms.B name starts with M but I called her Ms.B. I gave Ms.B a good name and I'm sure you guys want to know whats her name will be right? Since her real name is Ms.M and I call her Ms.B, all of sudden out of nowhere, far far away from the galaxy a name appear on my mind. The name is MONAMBIGAI D/O PARVESH RAM.. is a combination of Ms.M and Ms.B so it become MONAMBIGAI...
There's alot of good thing about Ms.B but 1 bad thing is she call me LCD... OMG, did I mention that she call me LCD. DAMN!!!!! owh NO..SAY NOOOOOOOOOOOO... haha,
**Monambigai D/O Parvesh Ram is just a name. If by accidentally you're one of this blogs reader and you have the same name as Monambigai D/O Parvesh Ram, don't make it a havoc and just be proud because your name is in MY BLOG! Remember MY BLOG OK! Muahaha...!